
If you believe you may have been a victim of fraud and your transfer has not been paid, please call the Hanpass Fraud Hotline 82-2-15220767 as soon as possible for assistance in filing a fraud complaint. To view the full list of available fraud hotlines globally, please visit our Fraud Phone Directory. If no fraud hotline is available for your country, please go to your nearest Hanpass agent location for assistance.

File a fraud complaint

If you have a general inquiry, please contact WU Customer Support or visit your local WU Agent Location.

Transaction information

Please check and re-enter tracking number (MTCN). Please confirm the tracking number (MTCN) you enter above matches the tracking number shown on your receipt.

Reporter information

Please enter first name

Please enter last name

Please enter email

Is reporter same as sender?

Fraud information


We will share information from your report and related money transfer with a complaint database used by law enforcement in the US and other countries. We may also share information directly with relevant law enforcement agencies. If you do not want us to share your name and address information with law enforcement, we will honor that request unless applicable law permits or requires us to provide it.

I consent to have my name and address information shared with law enforcement.